What: The Family So'taga Programme has been developed at Holy Family School Porirua to meet the needs of our families.

Aim: The aim of the programme is to strengthen the connection between home and school, this will mean parents and students are better informed about how they can get the most from the New Zealand Education system. We are evolving the programme to suit our parents' needs base.

What does this mean for me as a parent? When students first start at Holy Family School, their whanau will meet with our So'otaga team to start to develop a strong connection between home and school. We then work with the teacher, students and whanau to set some home and school related goals.
As the year progresses all whanau will become involved in the programme and have their turn!
If you have a question about your child's education, you can always see your child's teacher or you can ask any of our So'otaga Team: Metua Tengaru, Adelaide Matthews or Annie Patelesio.
Visit The Family So'otaga website here